MeCAM board is made of the Executive Members and Honourary Board of Trustees.

Honourary Board Trustees:

Beatrice Nwamaka Eluaka:

Beatrice Nwamaka Eluaka is Nutritionist/Dietitian with over 35 years’ experience in Nutrition Programme Planning and Management. She holds a Master of Science degree in Human Nutrition and Food from Howard University, Washington D.C. 1980, a Bachelor of Science degree in Nutrition and Dietetics from Pratt Institute, New York, 1979 and several Post Graduate Diplomas and Certificates in Dietetics and Food Management, Infant Nutrition, Food Science and Nutrition, Health Planning and Management, M&E of Health, Nutrition & Population Programs, from institutions within and outside Nigeria.

Between 1982 and 2011, she worked as a Nutritionist and Gender Focal Person in the Federal Ministry of Health, Nigeria with the responsibility for policy and programme design, implementation, monitoring and supervision including capacity building for nutrition and related health issues such as maternal, infant and young child nutrition, prevention of non-communicable diseases, prevention of mother-to-child transmission of HIV, promotion of key household practices and gender mainstreaming. She has also been involved in nutritional status surveys and project monitoring and assessment. She is a Master trainer on Baby Friendly Initiative, Infant and Young Child Feeding Counseling and played a key role in the development of the Health Sector Nutrition Policy as well as Guidelines and training manuals on Nutrition.

Beatrice has represented Nigeria at several regional and international fora on Nutrition and Gender. Following her retirement from the Public Service as Head of Nutrition in December 2011, she worked as an independent consultant on Nutrition and Health issues providing technical support and advice to International NGOs in her area of expertise. She was also deeply involved in the training of community health workers and setting up and mentoring community support groups for improving the nutritional status and quality of life of women and children in Nigeria.

Between 2012 and 2016, she worked with Save the Children International as Nutrition Advisor on the USAID sponsored SPRING Project which ended in September 2016.
Beatrice joined Civil Society Scaling up Nutrition in Nigeria (CS-SUNN) in October 2016 as Project Director.

She is a Fellow of the Nutrition Society of Nigeria and was at various times the Publicity Secretary, Secretary and President of the Nutrition Society of Nigeria between 1983 and 2002. She is currently the President of Association of Women Nutritionists in Nigeria.

Babatunde Oguntona:

Babatunde Oguntona was born in Lagos and had his early education there. He attended the University of Ibadan and graduated with a degree in Agricultural Biochemistry and Nutrition in 1970. He continued his education abroad and returned to Nigeria after obtaining M. Sc. and Ph.D. degrees in Nutrition from the Universities of London and Nottingham respectively.

On his return he was recruited as one of the pioneering academic staff of the University of Maiduguri where he contributed immensely to the development of that University in general and the discipline of Nutrition in particular.

When the University of Agriculture was founded in Abeokuta (UNAAB) in 1988, he was appointed the first Professor of that Institution. He has been Head of Department, Dean of College and Director of Centre respectively at UNAAB since 1990. In 2006 he was made Dean of Faculty of Agriculture and Rural Development (FAMARD) at the Olabisi Onabanjo University (Ayetoro Campus).

Prof. Oguntona has trained hundreds of students at both undergraduate and post graduate levels over the past 36 years. He has published extensively both nationally and internationally. He is a co-author of the report on National Food Consumption and Nutritional Status (2001-2003) and the principal author of Nigerian Food Composition Table (1995).He was Nutrition consultant for the Federal Ministry of Health for 22 years (1990-2012) and has done consultancy work for several governments ( Ghana, Liberia, Tanzania, Sierra Leone and Zambia) International Agencies (FAO, WHO, UNICEF, Helen Keller, Micronutrient Initiative (MI) and International Red Cross) as well as  other organizations. Over the years he has been the recipient of many distinguished International Awards in Nutrition (e.g. BP Protein, Leverhulme Trust, ACU/Carnagie Corporation).

Tunde Oguntona has been a Professor of Nutrition since 1990 and is a member of many professional and social organisations. He is the past president of the Nutrition Society of Nigeria and a fellow of that society. He is presently the Chair of Nigeria Beverage Panel.

Now retired, he does consultancy work for Universities, foreign governments, Governments at Federal and State levels as well as International Development Partners. He is married to Professor Clara Raquel Oguntona, and they both have three children and five grandchildren.

Aminu Magashi Garba:

Dr Aminu Magashi Garba is the Chair Board of Trustees of Community Health and Research Initiative (CHR), one of the leading and foremost advocacy NGO in Nigeria using evidence based advocacy to improve health sector. Through the work of CHR he has led series of advocacy at national level and 7 sub-national governments that succeeded in timely releases of Immunization and lifesaving drugs and commodities, increase annual budgets and improved transparency and accountability through enhancing public participation. 

In the past he has also facilitated the emergence of over 10 multi-stakeholder national and subnational accountability mechanisms in Nigeria focusing on health as well as led the development of scorecards that track budget performance across all tiers of government.

In his voluntary capacity, he is the civil societies’ representative of the Global Financing Facility Investors Group. He founded and coordinates the Africa Health Budget Network (AHBN) which is à regional network that uses budget advocacy to influence adequate health sector finances and improved transparency and accountability. He is a celebrated newspaper weekly health columnist with a Nigerian National Newspaper ‘Daily Trust’ for over 15 years and the publisher of an online newspaper ‘Health Reporters –’ that reports on Africa’s health.

Recently he led a team of advocates in Kano State that saw the emergence of 2 laws “Kano State Health Trust Fund” & “Kano State Private Health Institutions Management Board”
He holds an MBBS degree from University of Maiduguri, Nigeria (2001) and MSc in Public Health from London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (2006/7) and he is a British Chevening Scholar (2006/7). He is married with 2 kids.

******Executive Team******

National Coordinator:
Remmy Nweke
+2348023122558 | 8041000475 | 8033592762 | 8172004283
remmyn [at] 

(Associate Co-ordinator - Finance & Secretariat)
Dooshima Abua - 070 3799 2120 doshiclo [at],

(Associate Co-ordinator -  R & D/Socials)
 Emeka Anuforo - 080 5315 8750

(Associate Co-ordinator -  Membership)  
Rauf Ajakiaye - 080 2890 5010
rafiuajakaye [at]

(Director of Outreach)
Julie Ekong - +23480332669618

Juliafrcn [at]

(Legal Advisor)
Barr. Chike Emedosi - +2348039474300

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